
Quran Meta

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This project is to help with Quran related meta queries.

Answering Questions like:

  • How many ayahs in given surah (getAyahCountinSurah)
  • Is given ayah
    • a sajdah ayah (getAyahMeta)?
    • beginnning of a page (isAyahPageFirst)?
    • beginnning of a juz (isAyahJuzFirst)?
  • Find
    • next or previous ayah (nextAyah/prevAyah)
    • juz findJuz and findJuzByAyahId
    • hizb findRubAlHizb, getRubAlHizbMetaByAyahId
    • page findPage by surah/ayah
    • AyahId of a given surah/ayah (findAyahIdBySurah)
    • find range around ayah (findRangeAroundAyah)
  • Get meta data for
    • ayah (getAyahMeta)
    • surah (getSurahMeta)
    • page (getPageMeta)
    • juz (findJuzMetaBySurah)
    • maqra/rub-el-hizb (getRubAlHizbMeta, getRubAlHizbMetaByAyahId)
  • Validates ayah/surah id (checkValidAyahId,checkValidSurah, checkValidSurahAyah)
  • converts [surah, ayah] to ayahId and vice-verse ( findSurahByAyahId and findAyahIdBySurah)
  • Checks and turns strings of type "x:y" or "x:y1-y2" to surah/ayah range ayaStringSplitter.

See in action and try it without installing anything:

<script src="quran-meta.js"></script>

Also modern browsers allow

<script type="module">
import quranMeta from "quran-meta.esm.js"

The library is available from various CDNs

$ npm i --save quran-meta

In Node.js see example here:

var quranMeta = require("quran-meta")

console.log(" Assalam Aleykum! ") // => 'Assalam Aleykum!'
console.log(`There are ${quranMeta.meta.numSurahs} suras in the Holy Quran`) // => 'There are 114 suras in the Holy Quran'

In the browser/ES:

import { meta } from "quran-meta"
console.log("Assalam Aleykum!")
console.log(`There are ${meta.numSurahs} suras in the Holy Quran`) // => 'There are 114 suras in the Holy Quran'

In TypeScript:

import { meta, getAyahCountinSurah, AyahNo, Surah } from "quran-meta"

console.log(`There are ${meta.numSurahs} suras in the Holy Quran`)

for (let surah: Surah = 1; surah <= meta.numSurahs; surah++) {
const ayaCount = getAyahCountinSurah(surah)
console.log(surah, ': ',ayaCount)
  • Surah: A chapter of the Quran. There are 114 chapters in Quran, each of different length.

  • Ayah: A verse number in the particular surah (chapter) of Quran. it is relative to the surah.

  • AyahId: Unique identifier for a verse in the Quran. It is a number that is the concatenation of the of sum ayahs of previous chapters of Quran and the verse number of particular Ayah. There are 6236 ayahs in Quran. AyahId is absolute, positive and is not relative to any surah.

  • Juz: A section of the Quran. There are 30 Juz in Quran of roughly equal length.

  • Hizb: Each Juz' is divided into two Hizb. Therefore, there are 60 Hizbs in the Quran.

  • Rub-el-Hizb/Maqra: Each Hizb is subdivided into four quarters called Maqra, making eight quarters per Juz. In Arabic, rub means 'one-fourth' or 'quarter', while ḥizb (plural aḥzāb) translates to 'a group'. There are 240 Maqras in the Quran.

  • Manzil: For the convenience of those who read the Quran in a week the text may be divided into seven portions. Each portion is called a Manzil. There are 7 Manzil in Quran.

  • Page: A section of the Quran that contains 15 lines (Madina mushaf)(depends on the mushaf).

  • Saajdah: Special ayahs that require reader to prostrate. There are 15 of them in Quran.

See here for API documentation

You can find some examples here and souce code for them here

  • Koran-Center - Powerful and feature rich web application for reading and studying the Holy Quran.

Demo image

Quran-Meta is 100% unit test covered and moreover data is cross checked with other apis to guarantee absolute correctness.

one can run pnpx jiti examples/data-check to run suite of validation tests against the following data sources

Any suggestion to further improve this are welcome.

Here you can find the following

Source code in typescript TS
Javascript code autotranspiled from TS as ES Next ESNext
Javascript code autotranspiled from TS as CJS ES5+CommonJS
Distributions of library as
UMD/ UMD minified builds can be used directly in the browser via a <script> (see here about UMD format) ES5+UMD
CommonJS for use with older bundlers like browserify or webpack ES5+CommonJS
ESM for use with modern bundlers like webpack 2 or Rollup and for direct imports in modern browsers via <script type="module"> ES5+ESM

This software is distributed under MIT license.